St. John Missionary Baptist Church
87 Hood Street, Cleveland, GA 30528
Pastor:  Bryan Sutton

 In today's world, things can often seem overwhelming to any of us. These are the times that we must remember that God is in control of your situation and God has the last say so. Even at the eleventh hour when it doesn’t look like God, when you can’t trace God -- there is strength that comes through the power of prayer that gives us the faith to believe, to trust and to wait on the manifestation of God. Faith in action moves the hand of God. No matter how difficult things may get, go to the Lord in prayer. Call on God and he will answer.  

If you would like to added to our prayer list, simply click "Prayer Requests" and our team of prayer warriors will put you on their payer list.
St. John Missionary Baptist Church Prayer List

St, John Missionary Baptist Church
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Deacon "Snap" Sutton - recovering from stroke